Pyr In Need: Recurring Donation Program

Appalachian Great Pyrenees Rescue is excited to announce the launch of our newest Pyr In Need Program! Every month, new Great Pyrenees dogs are surrendered to AGPR, and we never want to have to say no to a Pyr In Need. Recurring donations help us care for these pups, no matter how long they’ve been with us!

Sign up for a recurring donation today! If you’d like to send via check, would like to this in memory of a beloved pet, or have any questions, please email us directly at

Donation Options

Watch the video for more information, or read about the program below!

Pyrs cost money to care for–food, supplies, and medical expenses can add up quickly. Which is why recurring donations are critical to the health of our organization.

Moving forward, we are offering exclusive benefits to our monthly donors at the $10, $30, $50, and $100/month levels.

For only $10 /month, you can cover the cost of all the necessary kennel supplies for one Pyr each month and you’ll be added to our list to receive regular email updates on the Pyrs in our care.

For $30/month, you can feed a Pyr for the entire month, and in addition to the regular email update, you’ll receive a welcome thank-you postcard in the mail when you first sign up, which features some of the Pyrs you’re helping.

For $50/month, you’ll cover the average cost of vet bills for one Pyr each month. With this level, you’ll receive the regular update emails, a welcome thank-you postcard in the mail, as well as a thank you on our Facebook page (if you wish)!

And for $100/month, your donation will cover the average cost of all the supplies needed to keep a Pyr happy and healthy for one month, including kennel supplies, food, vet bills, and more. You’ll gain access to the regular email updates, receive a welcome postcard in the mail, get a public Facebook thank you (if you wish), and get a copy of the next calendar from our calendar contest*.

(*Requires a six-month participation).

How It Works

If you’d like to Help A Pyr, Feed A Pyr, Save A Pyr, or Sponsor A Pyr, it’s a simple, four-step process!

  1. Select the amount from the dropdown below.
  2. Underneath, click the button that says “Subscribe.”
  3. Follow the steps once PayPal launches.
  4. Click “Agree and subscribe!”

That’s all there is to it!

Donation Options

If you’d like to send via check or have any questions, please email us directly at