A Holiday Miracle for Roxy, Bert, and Zelda
The short version of the story is this: a generous couple has offered to match donations for Bert, Roxy, and Zelda’s ortho surgeries up to $3600 through the end of the year!
If you would like to participate in this holiday miracle, click here to donate.
And stay up-to-date on their progress on the the Bert, Roxy, and Zelda Fundraiser Page!
We are so grateful and so excited.
In 2019, AGPR was able to help a number of dogs during what we like to refer to as March Madness. During this time, we took in an additional 25 dogs (including some pregnant ones). Bert and Roxy were part of this crew, and as they grew, we began to realize that they might have some knee problems.
Fast forward to 2020, when both pups were fully matured. Sure enough, it was clear that surgery would be required. Both Bert and Roxy returned from their most recent round of surgery on October 20 for another 8-week period of recovery at the kennels.
Then, on November 1, Zelda arrived. This beautiful, sweet, just turned one-year-old girl was turned in to a vet by her family who could not afford her “health issues.” She had trouble walking on her back legs. After seeing the ortho surgeon, we learned that Miss Zelda has bilateral torn ACLs – one in each back leg.
On November 2, she had her first TPLO surgery and on the 3rd, she was back at the kennels for recovery. This sweetie pie is too young to need surgery but with your help, she’ll be ready to lead a normal Pyr life early next year after her second surgery.
To date, surgery bills are a little over$18,000.
As a result of your generosity, we were able to raise about 60% of their medical bills as of mid-November. If we are successful in achieving this offer to match donations up to $3600, those funds will pay for both Zelda and Roxy’s upcoming surgeries.
If you would like to help us achieve this holiday miracle, donations can be made right here!

Roxy and Zelda, along with Bert and all the Pyrs at Appalachian Great Pyrenees Rescue, appreciate your generosity during this holiday season!