Meet Harley!
Harley came to AGPR in March of 2020. He and Chloe were turned in by their owners. To our surprise, Chloe was pregnant and yes, Harley was the daddy of six beautiful pups born that May. Harley was not exactly happy when he came to AGPR and worked hard to scare people away. But despite Harley’s attempts to keep us all away, we were determined to befriend him. And we were successful.
(Note: video includes images of Harley’s skin condition.)
When Harley arrived, he had red, itchy skin as well as a lot of missing hair. What followed was a year’s worth of vet visits, skin tests, different medications, and lots of medicated baths.
Harley is still with us over a year later. He recently underwent some serious allergy testing. We found out that he is allergic to almost everything including dogs, but NOT cats (go figure!). Harley gets two special baths a week, allergy shots, special medications, and groomed at least once a week to keep him smiling, happy and healthy. His favorite part of his routine is rolling around in all his towels as he dries off from his bath.
Harley is one of several Pyrs benefitting from our Recurring Donation Program. He loves going on adventures in the car and sits like a perfect gentleman for the entire ride. Once you are accepted into his inner circle, he loves you unconditionally and expects snuggles and belly rubs. Don’t say “do you wanna go for a walk” around him unless you are serious! Harley may not be an easy boy to find a forever family but we will continue to love him and hope we can help him with his allergies. If you would like to help Harley and others through our Recurring Donation Program, please go to our website for more information.
We thank all of our donors – we could not do what we do for these dogs without your support!